Shoes From Ithaca
Ithaca to me's a town pop 75 lost in So. Central Wisconsin much unknown but fabled by distance & distant memories small sounds echoing September & how Pat's clock ticked & days moved one into another its single asphalted street lined with anonymous shops Library - Gas station - Drug store engraved as clapboard & smallness middleness America I've not been back these 50 yrs but moved to read its greater exploits in literary annals How Ulysses slew the Suitors & before for 20 yrs his only thoughts were those of home Ithaca & Iliad combine with Poldy Bloom & Stephen last of legendary hero’s John Huston & proud Algonquin Revealing links only now in thin trees - blown on a rail line - saplings, ash & oak In a dim green middle western out back - & huff & hush a steam train & 3 small cars Pant & pant above & pant past a place so impressed in small talk and similes at Mr Olsen's Thom McKann where my mom bought me that 1st pair of moccasins & I at 10 became a man in a greater fabled world